Scenography for the double exhibition "One"

Author Scenogrāfe / māksliniece: Liene Pavlovska; Grafikas dizainers: Artis Tauriņš; Ideja un koncepcija: Mārtiņš Bērziņš, Ieva Ķīse, Solvita Lapiņa, Dora Pauzere, Zanda Rozenberga; Dizaina projekta realizācija: SIA “Latvijas galdniecība”; Komponists: Jēkabs Nīmanis; Dzeju ierunājuši: Ivars Krasts, Jānis Kronis; Tekstu autore: Solvita Lapiņa; Redaktore: Zane Grudule
Contractor: Memoriālo muzeju apvienība
Date created: Janvāris / 2021 – Oktobris / 2023

Brief description of the project

The collaborative exhibition "One", orchestrated by two museums, delves into the intersecting narratives of Rainis and Ojārs Vācietis, illuminating the parallels in their experiences of solitude, engagement with authority, personal trials, and intimate relationships. Through an immersive exploration of the poets' solitary journeys across distinct epochs, their poignant verses are juxtaposed with evocative musical compositions and immersive scenography, offering poignant insights into the inherent loneliness that often accompanies the creative process. Infused with a vibrant palette and ethereal fabric installations, the exhibition endeavors to weave a cohesive visual narrative, enlivening the somber ambiance of the memorial museum while accentuating lesser-known artifacts, thereby underscoring the bittersweet yet indispensable role of solitude in the act of artistic genesis.