
Pagarināta rudens pieteikšanās Latvijas Dizaina gada balvai 2025

Ja vēl neesat paguvuši pieteikt savu darbu Latvijas Dizaina gada balvai 2025, to iespējams izdarīt vēl līdz 30. novembrim. Konkursa rīkotāji — Latvijas Dizaina centrs — aicina dizainerus un pasūtītājus iesniegt kā lielus, tā mazus projektus, kas radīti kopš 2022. gada janvāra. Pēc iespējas plašāks darbu klāsts ļauj ne vien apzināt un izvērtēt Latvijas dizaina kopainu, bet jēgpilni salīdzināt dizaineru sasniegumus un veidot diskusiju par dizaina potenciālu. Dalība konkursā ir arī iespēja popularizēt sevi un savu veikumu, kā arī gūt citu jomas profesionāļu vērtējumu.

Izziņota Latvijas Dizaina gada balvas 2025 atlases žūrija

2024. gada 15. novembrī izziņota atlases žūrija Latvijas Dizaina gada balvai 2025 (LDGB) — augstākajam apbalvojumam dizaina jomā Latvijā. Atlases žūrijā strādās vienpadsmit atzīti Latvijas dizaina profesionāļi, kuri pārstāv dažādas dizaina jomas, vērtējot darbus piecās kategorijās: produkti, pakalpojumi, komunikācija, vide un digitālie risinājumi. Katrā kategorijā darbosies priekšsēdētājs un divi žūrijas locekļi.

Notiks dizaina jaunumu pasākums «Dizaina rudens»

Trešdien, 13. novembrī, Dekoratīvās mākslas un dizaina muzejā tiks aizvadīts Latvijas Dizaina gada balvas 2025 (LDGB) dizaina jaunumu pasākums «Dizaina rudens», kura fokusā būs produktu un telpas dizaina prakses — ar prezentācijām uzstāsies studijas «Gateris Works» dizaineri Eva Abduļina un Reinis Leo Miķelsons, «Erica Synths» dibinātājs Ģirts Ozoliņš un vides dizainere Dace Sūna. Pasākuma otrajā daļā apmeklētājiem būs iespēja doties ekskursijā izstādē «Jānis Krievs. Pagājusī nākotne» ar tās kuratoru Vilni Vēju.

Izziņota pieteikšanās Latvijas Dizaina gada balvas 2025 konkursā

2024. gada 14. oktobrī atklāta pieteikšanās Latvijas Dizaina gada balvai 2025 — nacionālas nozīmes apbalvojumam dizainā, kura mērķis ir apzināt, izvērtēt un popularizēt Latvijas dizaineru izcilāko sniegumu, sekmējot Latvijas dizaina nozares attīstību. Šogad ieviesti jauninājumi konkursa kategorijās, papildus pastāvošajām piecām kategorijām — produktu dizains, pakalpojumu dizains, komunikācijas dizains, vides dizains un digitālie risinājumi —, ieviešot nomināciju «Jaunais dizainers».

Exhibition of the winners of the National Design Award of Latvia 2024 at Esplanāde

From 15 August to 30 September, an open-air exhibition of the National Design Award of Latvia 2024 will be on display at Esplanāde (Elizabetes Street side) in the very centre of Riga, where the general public - residents and visitors of Riga - will have the opportunity to get to know the works of the nineteen winners and finalists of the competition better.

Winners of the National Design Award of Latvia 2024 announced

On Friday, May 24, the winners of the National Design Award of Latvia (NDAL) 2024 were announced at Rīgas Cirks, honouring the best design works in five categories: products, services, communication, environmental, and digital solutions design. The Grand Prix and the prize of 2000 euros from the Ministry of Culture were awarded to designers Sarmīte Poļakova and Māra Bērziņa for the biotextile Pre-Loved. The jury also awarded five special recognitions, and the Latvian Patent Office also presented their award.

Finalists of the National Design Award of Latvia 2024 announced

The final jury has evaluated the entries in the second round of the competition and selected the best designers in the product, communication, environment, digital solutions and services design categories. Out of 58 nominees, 20 entries have made it to the final round: five entries in the communication, product and environmental design categories, four in the service design category and one in the digital solution category. The winner of each category, as well as the Grand Prix winner, will be revealed at an awards ceremony on 24 May 2024 at 19.00 at Riga Circus.

Jury and main events of the National Design Award of Latvia 2024 final have been announced

On 16 May 2024, the final jury of the National Design Award of Latvia 2024 (NDAL 2024) and the most important events were announced, which will conclude with the announcement of the winners at the award ceremony on 24 May 2024 at 19.00 in Riga Circus, when the winners will be announced in five categories - products, services, communication, environment and digital solutions - as well as the Grand Prix winner who will receive a prize of 2000 EUR from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia.

Works selected for the second round of National Design Award of Latvia 2024 have been announced

The shortlisted entries for the second round of the National Design Award of Latvia 2024 winter application session were announced on 29 April 2024. From the 65 applications received, the selection jury has shortlisted 27 entries for the second round of the competition. Entries were judged in five categories: products, services, communication, environment and digital solutions. The most entries were received in the environmental design category - 22, closely followed by the communication and product design categories with 19 entries each.

Works selected for the second stage of National Design Award of Latvia 2024 have been announced by the jury

On December 22, 2023, works that made it to the second stage of the National Design Award of Latvia 2024 were announced. Out of 62 submissions, the selection jury nominated 31 works for further participation in the second stage. All works were evaluated in five categories: product, service, communication, environment and digital solution design. The biggest category this year also was the communication design category, receiving 20 entries, followed by the environmental design category with 19 entries and the product design category with 16 entries.

The selection jury for the National Design Award of Latvia 2024 has been announced

On November 9, 2023, the selection stage jury for the National Design Award of Latvia 2024 was announced. The award is the highest recognition in the field of design in Latvia and is presented with the purpose to identify, evaluate and promote the best achievements of Latvian designers, advance the use of design created in Latvia and the development of the Latvian design industry. 

The autumn call for submissions for the National Design Award of Latvia 2024 competition has been announced

On October 1, 2023, the autumn application round for the Latvian Design of the Year Award 2024 - the highest award in the field of design in Latvia - was opened. It is presented to identify, evaluate, and popularize the achievements of Latvian designers, as well as to promote the use of design created in Latvia and the development of the design industry. The autumn application for the award will last until October 31 of this year.

Interested parties are invited to the design news event "Design Summer"

On September 26, 2023 at 18.00 in the xcelsior design space at Uzvaras boulevard 9 in Pārdaugava, the the National Design Award of Latvia event "Design Summer" will be held, which will focus on product design. Designers, design clients, manufacturers, media and design enthusiasts are invited to participate.

The winners of the National Latvian Design Award of Latvia 2023 have been determined

On Friday, June 2, the winners of the five categories of the National Design Award of Latvia (NDAL) 2023 were announced at the cinema "Splendid Palace", honoring the best product, services, communication, environment, and digital solutions in the design field. The Grand Prix and the money prize of the Ministry of Culture in the amount of 2,000 euros were awarded to the architectural bureau «Ēter» for the set design of the exhibition «Weird Sensation Feels Good: The World of ASMR» at the London Design Museum.

Finalists of the national Design Award of Latvia 2023 announced

On May 31, 2023, the finalists of the National Award of Latvia 2023 were announced. The international final jury evaluated the works of the nominees in the second round of the competition and determined the best representatives of the design field in the design categories of products, communication, environment, digital solutions and services.