
Izziņota žūrija Latvijas Dizaina gada balvai 2023

2022. gada 21. oktobrī izziņota atlases žūrija Latvijas Dizaina gada balvai 2023 – augstākajam apbalvojumam dizaina jomā Latvijā. Tajā strādās vienpadsmit atzīti Latvijas dizaina profesionāļi, kuri pārstāv dažādas dizaina jomas, vērtējot darbus piecās kategorijās: produkti, pakalpojumi, komunikācija, vide un digitālie risinājumi. Katrā kategorijā būs priekšsēdētājs un divi žūrijas locekļi.

Atlases žūrijas kategoriju priekšsēdētāju pienākumus piekritušas uzņemties grafikas dizainere, “Madara Cosmetics” līdzdibinātāja Liene Drāzniece, produktu dizainere, zīmolu “Mammalampa” un “Detales” izveidotāja Ieva Kalēja, UX dizainere, “Printify” dizaina vadītāja Līga Lētiņa, maģistra studiju programmas “Pakalpojumu dizaina stratēģijas un inovācijas” vadītāja, asociētā profesore Ilze Kundziņa un arhitekte un urbāniste, Rīgas pilsētas galvenā dizainere Evelīna Ozola. Kā atlases žūrijas locekļi darbosies Mārcis Miķelsons–Germs, Una Rozenbauma, Mareks Birznieks, Brigita Bula, Sandijs Ruļuks un Toms Mūrnieks.

Ieva Kalēja

A product designer who aspires to create iconic design items - lamps, vases and home décor. The brands "mammalampa" and "Detales" created by Ieva have gained wide international recognition. She has taught product design at the Latvian Academy of Arts, developed educational material on product design for secondary vocational education students, and is one of the founders of the Design Export Alliance.

Ilze Kundziņa

Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas asociētā profesore, stratēģiskā dizaina domātāja un trenere, pakalpojuma dizaina entuziaste un jaunas starptautiskas studiju programmas “Pakalpojumu dizaina stratēģijas un inovācijas” izstrādātāja un vadītāja. Ilze veic pētījumus, organizē dizaina vasaras skolas Kuldīgā, vada dizaina domāšanas treniņus, kā arī izstrādājusi mācību materiālu par pakalpojumu dizainu vidusskolēniem.

Liene Drāzniece

Co-founder and head of design of the organic skin care company Mádara Cosmetics. Her work focuses on brand communication, design management and marketing. Liene has created the visual identity of several popular Latvian brands — Valmiermuižas alus, Ērenpreiss, and Mádara Cosmetics. She has taught packaging design and the basics of creating brand identity at Riga Design and Art School.

Evelīna Ozola

Architect, urbanist and publicist, founder of the creative industries platform FOLD. She has worked in architectural offices in Riga and Rotterdam, created the Latvian pavilion "Together and Apart" at the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale, and was a lecturer in architectural schools in Latvia and Sweden. Currently, Evelina is the chief designer of the city of Riga and also performs the duties of the chief architect of the city.

Līga Lētiņa

One of the initiators of UX and service design industry in Latvia, mentor, lecturer and facilitator of creative workshops, design sprints. She heads the Design and Research Department at Printify and has more than a dozen years of experience in solving complex challenges in finance, telecommunications, healthcare and insurance companies, as well as in public administration. Co-founder of the conference "UX Riga", the movements "UX/UI Riga Meetup" and "Riga Tech Girls".

Mārcis Miķelsons–Germs

Head of UX design department and partner in digital design, consulting and development company "Cube". Mārcis plans and manages the development of digital products and experiences for large and small companies on a daily basis. Among Cube's customers Baltic brands such as Rimi, SEB, Elektrum, Virši, LMT, Ergo and CircleK.

Brigita Bula

Founder of Brigita Bula Architects and advisory board member of the Latvian Association of Architects. Brigita's architects' office creates sustainable architecture for green and forward-thinking clients: private residences, office interiors, public buildings, cafés and exhibitions. The Salt House designed by her in Pāvilosta received the Grand Prix of the Latvian Architecture Award in 2019 and was nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award in 2022.

Una Rozenbauma

Creative director, director and publicist. Founder and CEO of the communication design agency "Rosenbaum and the Sisters". In 2020, #iamintrovert Una won the National Design Award of Latvia. Unai has more than ten years of experience working in latvia's leading advertising and communication agencies.

Sandijs Ruļuks

Sandijs grafikas dizainu apvieno ar fotogrāfiju un digitāliem risinājumiem. Radījis mājaslapu veidošanas rīkus “Berta” un “Froont”. Sandijs ir pasniedzējs Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijā un fotogrāfijas izglītības platformā ISSP un darbojas mākslinieku kolektīvā “Weekly Impossible”. Sandija pirmā fotogrāfiju personālizstāde “Gaiss” notika 2018. gadā.

Mareks Birznieks

Product designer and interior architect. He describes himself as a set of knowledge and experience, failures and successes that live with design and, at times, with the wind. Mareks activly works in the field of interior design and has been a laureate of the Latvian Architecture Award. Mareks heads the design department of the Riga Art and Media Technical School.

Toms Mūrnieks

ndustrial designer in the company "Bubblebee Industries", previously coordinated the development of innovative products at the Science and Innovation Center of Riga Technical University. He holds prototyping masterclasses for companies and academia internationally. Toms has started his PhD studies at RTU with the aim of improving the equipment of the Latvian Olympic luge team.

Submission of the works is carried out in two periods

Jaunā pieteikšanās kārtība paredz iespēju darbu autoriem vai to pasūtītājiem darbus šim konkursam iesniegt divos periodos — rudenī un ziemā, tā padarot ērtāku gan pašu pieteikšanās procesu, gan arī strukturējot vērtēšanu. 2022. gada rudens pieteikšanās ilgs no 11. oktobra līdz 15. novembrim, 2023. gada ziemas pieteikšanās — no 2. līdz 31. janvārim.

Darbu vērtēšana

Jaunā pieteikšanās kārtība paredz iespēju darbu autoriem vai to pasūtītājiem darbus šim konkursam iesniegt divos periodos — rudenī un ziemā, tā padarot ērtāku gan pašu pieteikšanās procesu, gan arī strukturējot vērtēšanu. 2022. gada rudens pieteikšanās ilgs no 11. oktobra līdz 15. novembrim, 2023. gada ziemas pieteikšanās — no 2. līdz 31. janvārim.

The evaluation of works submitted to the NDAL includes the following quality criteria:

  • originality and creativity of the idea,
  • the defined problem and task(s), and the chosen solutions to solve the problem,
  • co-creation, stakeholder involvement and cooperation in the work process,
  • functionality and technological solution,
  • aesthetics and other dimensions of quality of experience,
  • economic relevance, sustainability, and circularity,
  • social relevance, inclusion, availability and accessibility.

Latvijas Dizaina gada balva ar Kultūras ministrijas atbalstu dibināta 2017. gadā. Līdz 2025. gada maijam to organizēs Latvijas Dizaina centrs, saņemot deleģējumu pēc uzvaras Kultūras ministrijas izsludinātajā konkursā par valsts pārvaldes uzdevuma – kvalitātes novērtējuma dizaina jomā – veikšanu. Iepriekšējos periodos konkursu organizēja biedrība “Latvijas Dizaineru savienība” (2020. un 2021. gadā) un dizaina birojs “H2E” (2017., 2018. un 2019. gadā).

Latvian Design Centre is a non-governmental organization founded with the aim to advance the development of design in Latvia by promoting the use of design as a strategic tool for economic growth and innovation, environmental sustainability, well-being of society and individuals, as well as strengthening of cultural identity and national brand.

Latvian Design Centre is a member of the Bureau of European Design Associations (BEDA) and an official partner of the European Commission's New European Bauhaus Initiative. Latvian Design Centre is involved in design policy making, research and education, and initiates cooperation and strategic partnerships with other design organizations, designers, companies and design users. With the support of the Ministry of Culture, Latvian Design Centre maintains the creative industry communication platform FOLD (

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