On December 22, 2023, works that made it to the second stage of the National Design Award of Latvia 2024 were announced. Out of 62 submissions, the selection jury nominated 31 works for further participation in the second stage. All works were evaluated in five categories: product, service, communication, environment and digital solution design. The biggest category this year also was the communication design category, receiving 20 entries, followed by the environmental design category with 19 entries and the product design category with 16 entries.
All submitted works were evaluated by the selection jury consisting of nine renowned Latvian design professionals representing various design fields. Each category was composed of a chairman and two members of the jury. Chairmen and chairwomen of the categories of selection jury were architect and New European Bauhaus expert Ieva Zībārte, designer and entrepreneur Edgars Zvirgzdiņš, graphic designer Kirils Kirasirovs and head of the UX design department and partner of the company Cube Mārcis Miķelsons–Germs. The selection jury also included Edijs Laksa, the author of the design of the military vehicle «VR-1-FOX», the winner of National Design Award of Latvia 2023 in product design category, Dārta Apsīte, co-author of the Riga Patriots Month communication campaign, the winner the jury's special recognition for promoting self-esteem and belonging sense using design techniques, fashion and interior designer Baiba Ripa, Anna Andersone, an entrepreneur in the field of design and leader of the Riga TechGirls movement, and Didzis Jaunzems, the architect and manager of the design office DJA.
Intense discussions among the members of the selection jury accompanied the evaluation process of submitted works. All applicants were judged according to the evaluation criteria defined in the competition regulations by assigning one to ten points to each of them. Evaluation criteria:
- originality and creativity of the idea,
- the defined problem and task(s), and the chosen solutions to solve the problem,
- co-creation, stakeholder involvement and cooperation in the work process,
- functionality and technological solution,
- aesthetics and other dimensions of quality of experience,
- economic relevance, sustainability, and circularity,
- social relevance, inclusion, availability and accessibility.
Communication design
Highest number of applications was registered in the communication design category for the second year in a row. The jury selected 9 out of 20 works for the second stage. Kirils Kirasirovs, the chairman of the selection jury for the communication design category: "Among works demonstrating significant and ambitious communication campaigns we included the self-initiated projects to acknowledge visibility of creativity and good ideas even if there are no big name companies, teams and impressive budgets backing them. We encourage and look forward to all the participants for the next, winter, application round.»
Nominees for the communication design category:
- Book «100 Latvian letters/100 latviešu burti». Author — Alise Stefānija Miļuhina. Contractor — Art Academy of Latvia.
- Campaign «Riga Pride 2023 — Atplauksti». Author — Artūrs Meļņiks and Māra Čaure. Contractor — LGBT and association «Mozaīka».
- Latvian pavilion for 18th Venice architecture biennale «T/C Latvija» graphic communication. Author — Ernests Cerbulis, Ints Menģelis, Toms Kampars, Karola Rubene. Contractor — Ministry of Culture of Latvia.
- Medals for World Road Running Championships 2023. Author — «KID Design» and Maija Rozenfelde. Contractor — «Nords Event Communications».
- Book «Inside of Objects». Author and contractor — Kintija Elīna Karaša.
- Communication campaign «Riga Summer of Courage and Joy 2023/Rīgas Drosmes un prieka vasara 2023». Author — Valters Kalsers and «Mākslas birojs». Contractor — Riga municipality.
- Communication campaign «STYLE - TEXTILE /STILS – TEKSTILS». Author — «MAGIC». Contractor — «Eco Baltia Vide».
- AI video tale «Tālavas taurētājs». Author — «WRONG Digital». Contractor — «Latvijas Mobilais Telefons».
- XXVII Nationwide Latvian Song and XVII Dance festival visual identity. Author — «KID Design». Contractor — Latvijas Nacionālais kultūras centrs
Environmental design
Second most popular category was environmental design with 9 works out of 19 selected for the second stage. The chairman of the selection jury for the environmental design category, Ieva Zībarte, comments: «In the environmental design category, both large public space projects and miniature exhibitions were submitted, revealing the large scale of designers' creative expression. A wide range of environment creation specialists – designers, artists, architects, scenographers and others submitted their works competing for the award. The works offered solutions for the management of public spaces, reuse possibilities of buildings and materials, cultural, shopping and dining projects involving a pleasant and functional user experience.»
Nominees for the environmental design category:
- Daile Theatre Square Refurbishment. Author — «MADE arhitekti» (Miķelis Putrāms, Linda Krūmiņa, Māra Starka, Mārtiņš Vaskis, Krists Lūkins, Liena Šiliņa, Jēkabs Slava) in collaboration with Evelīna Ozola and Edgars Zvirgzdiņš. Contractor — «State Real Estate» and Riga City Council Property Department. Exhibition «From Arcadia to Mars/No Arkādijas līdz Marsam». Author — Rūta Jumīte, Anda Boluža. Contractor — Latvian National Library
- Exhibition «From Arcadia to Mars/No Arkādijas līdz Marsam». Author — Rūta Jumīte, Anda Boluža. Contractor — Latvian National Library
- Exposition «Cosmic dancer/Kosmiskais dejotājs». Author — Dace Sūna. Contractor — Eindhoven Design Academy.
- Educational center / office building. Author — Guntis Ziņģis and Kristīna Reinberga. Contractor — «Hagberg».
- Cafe «Pitraga Pietura». Author — «MADE arhitekti». Contractor — «SUR MER».
- Restaurant «RĪSI + NŪDELES». Author — Žanete Zakovica – Ozoliņa. Contractor — «Agates Āzijas virtuve».
- Reconstruction of the historical arena of Riga Circus. Author — «No Rules Just Architecture». Contractor — «Rīgas cirks».
- Scenography for the exhibition «One/Viens». Scenography and artist — Liene Pavlovska, graphic design — Artis Tauriņš, idea and concept — Mārtiņš Bērziņš, Ieva Ķīse, Solvita Lapiņa, Dora Pauzere, Zanda Rozenberga. Contractor — Memoriālo muzeju apvienība.
- Exhibition of Oskara Pavlovska «Neatlaidība». Illustrator and artist — Oskars Pavlovskis, scenography — Liene and Oskars Pavlovskis, curator — Dāvids Šilters (David Schilter), documentation — Artūrs Daukulis. Contractor — NGO «Neatlaidība» and NGO «Grafiskie stāsti» ( Kuš! Komikss).
Product design
16 works were submitted in the product design category, and the jury selected 8 as the runners for the second stage. "We selected the most worthy works for the second stage of the competition wishing to emphasize their qualitative dominance over others. A tough competition for the final positions will take place among very different works where witty ideas alternate with a very democratic approach, complex technological solutions, and an empathic understanding of the end user and the surrounding environment," says Edgars Zvirgzdiņš, chairman of the product design category.
Nominees for the product design category:
- Horizontal wind tunnel «Beat The Storm». Authors: idea - Ingus Augstkalns, project manager – Rihards Dziedātājs, design - «WeMPS», lead designer/artist – Kristians Rukuts, architect – Līva Kalniņa. Contractor — Universe Science Park, Denmark.
- Multifunctional table«50|50». Author — Ralfs Ašaks. Contractor — «rea.l.design»
- Table «PicTab».Author and contractor— Kristīne Austere.
- Biotextile material «Pre-Loved».Authors — Sarmīte Poļakova and Māra Bērziņa. Contractor — «Studio Sarmite».
- Scarves with Riga tiles pattern. Author and contractor — Karola Rubene.
- Jewelry «EKSPRESIO». Author— Milana Fjodorova. Contractor — MIKC Liepājas Mūzikas, mākslas un dizaina vidusskola.
- Acoustic floating chair «Stapes». Author and contractor — Jānis Siders.
- Collection «Stone». Author — Laima Grigone. Contractor — «Laima Ceramics»
Service and digital solutions design
Four entries were evaluated in the service design category, and only three in the digital solutions category. The selection jury nominated three works in the service design category and two digital solutions design works for the second stage. "It was unintentional for the jury to nominate completely different works for the further competition. In service design, it is both an art project that draws attention to a significant current topic, and also the world's first storm simulation attraction. In digital solutions, on the other hand, we promote the application of the new possibilities of artificial intelligence applied in the photo booth, as well as conceptual work that creatively uses the "noise" of social networks to talk about emotional health. This spectrum demonstrates how diverse works can be in these categories, so we invite all interested parties as diverse as possible to submit their works for the next round,» commented the chairman of the categories Mārcis Miķelsons–Germs.
Nominees for the service design category:
- Attraction «Beat the Storm». Author – Ingus Augstkalns, project manager – Rihards Dziedātājs, designer SIA «WeMPS» (technical director – Kristians Rimkus, engineer – Andrejs Meņkins), main designer/artist – Kristians Rukuts, architect – Līva Kalniņa. Contractor — «Universe Science Park», Denmark.
- Charity project «Ukraine. Freedom residency». Author — «Skudras Metropole» in collaboration with «Plombir Event» (Ukraine). Contractor — project “Ukraine. Freedom residency».
- AAL Summer Design School “ Design Activism: interventions for eco-social challenges''. Authors — Rūta Jumīte and Ieva Laube. Contractor — Art Academy of Latvia.
Nominees for the digital solutions design category:- LMT AI photo booth. Author — «Wrong Digital ». Contractor— «Latvijas Mobilais Telefons».
- «Threads of Influence». Author — Felicita Gāga. Contractor — Eindhoven Design Academy.
The application procedure for the the National Design Award of Latvia 2024 ensures the possibility for the authors of works or their clients to submit works to the competition in two periods - in autumn and winter - thus making both the application process itself and structuring the evaluation more convenient. Autumn application for the competition runs from October 1 to November 10, 2023 and winter application from January 2 to February 15, 2024 with the evaluation process finalized by April 15th. Selection jury goes through all submitted works and decides on the ones who proceed to the second stage. Final jury further evaluates the nominees of the second stage and decides on the finalist list establishing a winner for each of the five categories as well as the winner of the Grand Prix. Second stage of the competition will be accomplished with the award ceremony at the end of May 2024. Exact dates are to be announced on www.dizainabalva.lv.
A total of 58 works have been nominated for the second round of the National Design Award of Latvia 2024. The full list of nominees is available at www.dizainabalva.lv. The second round will take place in May 2024, when the final jury will judge the nominees and nominate the finalists. The final jury will also decide on the winner of each category and the winner of the National Design Award of Latvia Grand prix. The second round of the competition will conclude with the Design Award Ceremony on 24 May 2024 at the Riga Circus.
The National Design Award of Latvia is the highest award in the design field in Latvia, which is presented with the aim to identify, evaluate and promote the best achievements of Latvian designers and advance the development of the Latvian design industry.
Latvian Design Centre is a member of the Bureau of European Design Associations (BEDA) and an official partner of the European Commission's New European Bauhaus Initiative. Latvian Design Centre is involved in design policy making, research and education, and initiates cooperation and strategic partnerships with other design organizations, designers, companies and design users. With the support of the Ministry of Culture, Latvian Design Centre maintains the creative industry communication platform FOLD.